Useful Tips When Searching for the Perfect Office Space


Whether you are starting up a new business, your current space is too small, or you are just looking to change locations, it’s difficult to find the perfect office space that works with your budget and meets all of your business’s needs. Here are some of the most useful tips you can follow in your quest to find the ideal space.

Research the Area

Where your business Is located within a city is crucial for its success. If you are looking for a commercial space, you want it to be centrally located. It should have easy access for all customers whether they are taking public transportation, walking, or driving.

Before signing any lease or agreement, be sure to walk around the location during the day and evening hours. This will give a general feel for whether it meets your qualifications or not.

Inspect the Space Itself

Looking at an office space from the outside doesn’t give you a very clear picture. Not even going through numerous photos online will allow you to determine if it works for your business. You must take a tour of the space in person to get the best idea of how well it works.

Touring the inside of the space will let you see its actual size, whether it is a large space divided up into smaller offices or has an open floor plan, and more. Walking through the space ensures that you can visualise what you will do with the space. It will also provide you with valuable information on the various amenities the building itself has to offer.

Use a Real Estate Agent

Don’t make the mistake of trying to find office space on your own. To find the best office space in Gordon, use the help of a real estate agent. Just make sure that you use an agent who specialises in commercial real estate, as they will have inside knowledge of commercial listings.

They can provide you with a large list of places for lease within the city, giving you plenty of choices to examine.

Ask Around About Landlords

Having a bad landlord is like having a bad boss. Nobody wants to deal with that. The best way to find out how good, bad, or average the landlord is to talk to current tenants inside the building.

If you are taking over the space from somebody, ask them why they are vacating it and how they feel about the landlord. Ask about how long average maintenance calls take, who is responsible for paying them, and more.